About Us
About Us
Mission Statement
To provide all students with a high quality, challenging education in a safe, supportive environment, in which, to become lifetime learners.
Ensuring the implementation of the curriculum with fidelity and uniformity across the district.
Putting a common assessment system into place to measure student learning.
Supporting staff to better use assessment data to make instructional decisions and determine the effectiveness of strategies being implemented.
Completing math curricula.
Human Capital
Prioritizing staffing in low-performing schools.
Professional development will be driven by staff need or demonstrated student need.
Supporting technology with the available funding.
Allocating more of the budget to meet the technological needs of schools, especially given the 21st century learning skills required by the CCSS.
Upgrading technology to allow for more electronic operations, such as direct deposit of payroll checks.
Culture and Climate
Strengthening existing programs and developing new ones to address the academic and social needs of a growing minority population.
Addressing student/family transiency and illegal residency issues.
Bringing more social services into our schools.
State Report Card
School District Improvement Plans and Parental Outreach Activities, 2018-19
The 2018-2019 District Improvement Plan supported universal Pre-K, Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI), wrap-around services, job-embedded instructional coaching for teachers, and professional learning dedicated towards improved teacher practice, data collection, and technology integration. Over the past five years, Derby Public Schools has increased the continuum of special education services that are provided within district. We have increased our ability to educate students at their neighborhood schools, with the addition of four specialized elementary Learning Centers. These small classrooms are supported by a special education teacher, paraeducators, and behavior specialist. In 2018, a new Academic Learning Center was opened at Derby Middle School. The district is focused on increasing daily student attendance rates and decreasing chronic absenteeism by engaging students and families, recognizing good and improved attendance, monitoring s tudent attendance, providing early outreach and support, and developing supports to remove barriers to regular school attendance. This PK-Grade 12 priority is part of our district Improvement Plan and is supported by each school's principal, attendance coordinator, school climate specialist, social worker, nurse, psychologist and secretary. The district partners with the Derby Youth Bureau and local non-profits to provide outreach and support for families in need of assistance. A new district Attendance Team was created in 2018 to develop systems, procedures and protocols for supporting regular school attendance. In an effort to support student learning at home, Derby utilizes several web based programs that parents and students can access from home. Most content areas have a web based learning component for parents to stay connected, to follow their child's learning, and to engage in meaningful activities that will support continued learning. The programs available for parents are: Reflex Math, iXL Math, Khan Academy, Edgenuity, Lexia, and Raz-Kids. Strong home-school connections are made through the use of the district's website, our school's social media posts, Class Dojo, school newsletters, daily student newscast, and regular school events designed to engage families and the community. The Derby Board of Education received the Bonnie B. Carney Award for Excellence in Educational Communication from the CT Association of Boards of Education for the district's social media submission and W-IRV student news broadcast. The district holds regular parent events and workshops to support home-school partnerships. This year included several information nights, including: district-wide Open Houses and Report Card Nights, a Kindergarten, Grade 6 and Freshman Orientation, a Junior Parent Information Night to prepare for Senior Year, an SAT/PSAT Informational Night, Financial Aid Night, and a Vaping Presentation hosted by BH Care and the Derby Youth Bureau. The elementary schools hosted several family Literacy Nigh ts, Math Nights, and Family Game Night.
Efforts to Reduce Racial, Ethnic and Economic Isolation, 2018-19
Derby Public Schools participate in Open Choice magnet schools through our RESC and have 116 students attending local magnet schools during the 2018-2019 school year. In 2018, DHS opened a new, $1.2 million Advanced Manufacturing Center in partnership with Asnuntuck and Housatonic Community Colleges. Students earned dual credit for courses in computer-aided design (CAD), Blueprinting, and Introductory Tool Bench Work, The Advanced Manufacturing Program will provide students with a career path and high earning potential which will positively impact the student's lives and the community. Derby Schools offer many extracurricular opportunities. One of our strongest clubs is our Human Relations Club (HRC), which is in its 6th year at DMS and DHS. The Human Relations Club is a student run organization in which students plan, organize and coordinate activities to reduce prejudice, bias, and discrimination and to increase cultural and ethnic awareness in our scho ols and community. The program helps to expand understanding of issues beyond one's own view, promotes critical thinking, and builds positive relationships. Derby participates in varsity and junior varsity sports/clubs, including: football, soccer, cheer, dance, indoor/outdoor track, wresting, basketball, baseball, and softball. At the elementary level, there are regular performances which promote multiculturalism, diversity and an appreciation for other traditions through music, dance, theater and puppet shows. Also, the annual Multicultural Night, which features performance by students wearing clothing from their native country and a pot-luck dinner, is a very popular event. The two elementary schools also plan several combined trips, events and activities to promote equity and community. Many of our K-12 teachers lead programs and plan field trips that bring Derby students into other local communities to extend and connect learning outside of the traditional classroom. Hundreds of students also parti cipated in several extended, overnight trips outside of Derby including, Nature's Classroom, Boston, New York, Washington D.C., Delaware, Maryland, California, and Italy to gain an appreciation of our state, nation and world.
Equitable Allocation of Resources among District Schools, 2018-19
All school administrators are active participants in the budgeting process and provide allocation requests to the Business Manager and Superintendent to adequately accommodate each student's needs. The Business office works directly with each administrator to facilitate the equitable allocation of funds; each school is identified as a cost center and the distributed funds are constantly monitored to ensure each school's financial needs are accommodated. Derby Public school students in kindergarten - Grade 5 attend one of two neighborhood elementary schools: Bradley School and Irving School. Specialist positions (psychologists, social workers, counselors, library clerks, nurses, etc.) are distributed equitably on a per pupil basis. Paraeducator staff is allocated on the basis of student need, including the requirements of Individual Educational Plans. Beyond these resources, Irving receives additional staff and program funding through Title I due to its re latively larger proportion of low income children. All Derby students in grades 6-8 attend the Derby Middle School, while all 9 -12 students attend Derby High School. Thus resource equity is ensured at the secondary level.
Nondiscrimination Policy
In compliance with regulations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Civil Rights Act of 1987 and the American With Disabilities Act, the Board of Education adopts the following Equal Employment Opportunity and Equal Education Opportunity Policies.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Both federal and state law prohibit discriminatory practices in hiring and employment. The Board of Education prohibit discriminatory acts in all district matters dealing with employees and applicants for positions and requires equal employment opportunities for all employees and applicants. As an equal opportunity employer, the Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation past or present history of mental disorder, mental retardation, learning disability, physical disability (including blindness) or other disability except in the case of a bona fide occupational qualification or need and when the individual can perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation.
Equal Education Opportunity
Pursuant to the IDEA, Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, no otherwise qualified individual with handicaps shall, solely by reason of such handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program of the Board of Education.
Every student has the right to participate fully in classroom instruction and extracurricular activities which shall not be abridged or impaired because of age, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, pregnancy, parenthood, marriage, or for any reason not related to his/her individual capabilities.
Compliance Monitoring
Civil Rights Coordinators for the Board of Education shall monitor compliance with this policy. The names and location of the Civil Rights Coordinators are set forth below. Further compliance with policy is a responsibility of all district administrators in accordance with the procedures set forth in the attached regulations.
Students shall not be discriminated against, including but not limited to, in the areas of:
Admission, Use of school facilities, Vocational education, Competitive athletics, Student rules, regulations and benefits, Financial assistance, School‑sponsored extracurricular Activities, Enrollment in Courses, Counseling and guidance, Physical education, Graduation requirements, Treatment as a married and/or pregnant Student, Health services, Other aid, benefits, or services.
Employee/or applicants shall not be discriminated against, including but not limited to, the areas of:
Hiring and promotion, Compensation, Job assignments, Leaves of absence, Fringe benefits, Labor organization, Contracts or professional agreements.
Sexual harassment has been established as a form of sexual discrimination and is defined as follows:
"Any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or participation in an educational function (2) submission or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or educational decisions affecting the individual or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or educational performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment."
Examples of specific behaviors (that are unwanted and sexual in nature) that could constitute sexual harassment include, but not be limited to:
Attempted rape/rape, Inappropriate touching.
Sexual name calling, Sexual rumors.
Display of unwanted affections, Overly personal conversation.
Corner/blocking, Harassing telephone calls.
Inappropriate gestures, Leers.
Sexually explicit jokes/cartoons/pictures, Sexually explicit comments.
If an employee believes that he or she has been discriminated against in regard to either of the preceding policies, a complaint may be filed charging that the employee's personal rights have been denied or violated.
Employees wishing to discuss these regulations or rights under this policy, or wish to discuss or file a grievance, should contact the district's Civil Rights Coordinator/s or any administrator.
Forms are available in guidance offices or from the Civil Rights Coordinator/s. Contact with the Civil Rights Coordinator/s should take place within forty (40) calendar days of the alleged occurrence.
Legal Reference: Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII, 42 U.S.C. 2000‑e, et seq. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Policy Guidance (N‑915.035) on Current Issues of Sexual Harassment, effective 10/15/88.Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 34 CFR Section 106.Meritor Savings Bank. FSB v. Vinson, 477 U.S. 57 (1986)Connecticut General Statutes46a‑60 Discriminatory employment practices prohibited. Constitution of the State of Connecticut, Article I, Section 20.Policy adopted: December 20, 2001Title IX Policy
Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulations, no individual may be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Persons who feel that they have been denied equal opportunities on the basis of sex may file a complaint with the Board's Title IX Compliance officer, Mrs. Shelley Sheridan who can be reached at:
35 Fifth Street
Derby, CT 06418
Policy adopted: December 20, 2001
Sexual Harassment
It is the policy of the Board of Education to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment. The Board of Education prohibits any form of sexual harassment. All complaints of sexual harassment will be investigated promptly in accordance with administrative Procedures.
It shall be a violation of this policy for any student, employee, individual under contract, or volunteer subject to the control of the Board of Education to harass a student, employee, individual under contract, or a volunteer, through conduct or communication of a sexual nature as defined by this policy.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal, non-verbal, or physical, including but not limited to, insulting or degrading sexual remarks or conduct, threats or suggestions that an individual's submission to or rejection of unwelcome conduct will in any way influence a decision regarding that person's employment or education or that it will interfere in any way with a person's employment or education or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or educational environment. Sexual harassment is prohibited regardless of the sex of the victim or that of the harasser.
Sexual harassment by a student, employee, individual under contract, or volunteer will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or expulsion.
Legal references: 42 U.C.C. §2000(e) (Title VII)29 C.F.R. §1604.11 (EEOC Guidelines on Sexual Harassment)20 U.S.C. §1681-1688 (Title IX)Connecticut General Statutes §46a-60(a)(8)Policy adopted: December 20, 2001Complaint Procedure
An employee who feels he or she has been the victim of discrimination or sexual harassment may process a complaint in accordance with the following complaint procedure:
Step I- Informal Level
The complainant may request a meeting to discuss the complaint with the building principal of his or her school in an effort to resolve the matter informally. In the event the employee is uncomfortable, for any reason, with discussing the matter with the building principal, he/she may discuss the complaint with the superintendent of schools. The principal or superintendent of schools, as the case may be, shall meet with the complainant to discuss the complaint, but in no event shall the meeting be held later than fourteen (14) days from the date the request for the meeting is received.
Step II - Formal Level
If the complainant is not satisfied with the disposition of his or her complaint at the informal level, he or she may file a formal complaint with Title IX compliance officer. An employee need not have brought an informal complaint before filing a formal written complaint. Complaint forms may be obtained from the office of the Superintendent of Schools, and from the office of the building principal. The written complaint shall state the name of the complainant and the date of the complaint, the date(s) of the alleged discrimination or harassment, the name or names of the alleged perpetrator(s), the name or names of any witnesses, and a statement of the circumstances in which the alleged discrimination or harassment occurred. All formal complaints must be filed within sixty (60) days from the alleged violation. Upon the filing of a written complaint, the complainant shall be provided with a copy of this regulation.
The compliance officer shall schedule a meeting promptly with the complainant to discuss the complaint but in no event shall the meeting be held later than fourteen (14) days from receipt of the formal complaint. Upon completion of an investigation but in no event later than fourteen (14) days after meeting with the complainant, the investigator shall render a written decision to the complainant as to the disposition of the complaint. The time for rendering a written decision may be extended if the official investigating the complaint determines that such extension is necessary for a thorough investigation and fair resolution of the complaint.
If the report results in a determination that discriminator or sexual harassment has occurred, appropriate action shall be taken to ensure that the discrimination or harassment ceases and will not reoccur. Appropriate action may include re-assignment, transfer, and/or disciplinary action up to and including termination of the employment of the harasser.
No adverse action will be taken against an employee for filing a complaint or who cooperates in investigating allegations.
A copy of the non-discrimination and sexual harassment policy and complaint procedure will be distributed to all new employees at the start of their employment and to all employees on an annual basis. New and existing employees shall acknowledge in writing, on a form developed by the administration, the receipt of the policy and complaint procedure. In addition, a copy of the policy and complaint procedure will be posted in each building. A copy of the signed form acknowledging receipt of the policy, regulation, and complaint procedure shall be maintained as part of each employee's personnel file.
In the event the complaint is against the Title IX compliance officer, the complaint shall be brought to the Superintendent under these procedures.
Policy adopted: December 20, 2001Bullying Policy
I. Purpose
The Derby Board of Education promotes a secure and happy school climate, conducive to teaching and learning that is free from threat, harassment and any type of bullying behavior. Therefore it shall be the policy of the Derby Board of Education that bullying of a student by another student is prohibited. A single incident though it may warrant discipline, is not in effect a violation of this policy.
II. Definition
A. Hazing, bullying, menacing or abuse of students or staff members will not be tolerated. Any staff member, employee, or student who engages in an act that injures, degrades, or disgraces another student or staff member, disrupts the educational process, or interferes with a student's opportunity to obtain an education shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
B. Bullying is defined as any overt act by a student or groups of students directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate the other student while on school grounds, at a school sponsored activity or on a school bus which acts are repeated against the same student over time.
Examples of bullying include, but are not limited to:
physical violence and attacks
verbal taunts, name-calling and put-downs including ethnically-based or gender-based verbal put-downs
threats and intimidation
extortion or stealing of money and/or possessions
exclusion from peer groups within the school
Such conduct is disruptive of the educational process and, therefore, bullying is not acceptable behavior in this district and is prohibited.
Students who engage in any act of bullying, while at school, at any school function, or in connection to or with any district sponsored activity or event are subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including suspension, expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement officials. This prohibition includes off school grounds bullying that impacts on the Derby schools and creates a serious disruption of the education process.
A comprehensive program, involving everyone in the schools and the community, to address bullying at the school levels is essential to reducing incidences of bullying. Such a program must involve interventions at all levels, school wide, classroom and individual.
III. The District's Program:
Permits anonymous reports of bullying by students and written reports by parents or guardians;
Requires teachers and other school staff to notify school administrators in writing of the bullying acts they witness and students' reports they receive;
Requires school administrators to investigate parents' written reports and review students' anonymous reports;
Requires each school to maintain a publicly available list of the number of verified bullying acts that occurred there;
Requires each school to have an intervention strategy for school staff to deal with bullying; including language about bullying in student codes of conduct;
Requires notice to parents or guardians of all students involved in a verified act of bullying. The notice must describe the school's response and any consequences that may result from further acts of bullying; and
Requires the development of case-by-case interventions for addressing reported incidents of bullying against a single individual or recurrently perpetrated bullying incidents by the same individual; and
The Board expects prompt and reasonable investigations of alleged acts of bullying. The Principal of each school or his/her designee is responsible for handling all complaints of alleged bullying. All complaints must be forwarded and reported to the Superintendent.
In addition, the norms that are established by adults through consistent enforcement of all policies pertaining to conduct and modeling appropriate behavior at school and at home will reduce the instances and damage of bullying. It is necessary for students to promote the concept that caring for others is a valued quality, one that is accepted and encouraged.
The Superintendent shall develop rules and procedures, which carry out the provisions of this policy. In addition, the Superintendent shall provide that students and parents of students are notified of this prohibition against bullying and the penalties for violating the prohibition by ensuring the posting of such information at each school and by ensuring inclusion of such information in students and parent handbooks. The public shall also be informed of the district policy which prohibits bullying.
IV. Rules and Procedures
Staff Responsibilities
Principals shall be responsible for informing teachers and school staff of their responsibility to report to administrators in writing any acts of bullying witnessed by them or any reports received by them. All acts and reports of bullying must be reported immediately but in no case shall the report exceed 24 hours.
V. Investigation of Complaints or Reports of Bullying
All complaints of bullying shall be investigated immediately upon receipt of written complaint or report of bullying. Victims, perpetrators and witnesses shall be interviewed and sign appropriate statements citing significant information about the bullying event or report. Where anonymity is requested by persons interviewed, their statements shall be recorded without names. Parents and guardians shall be advised that a request of anonymity may hinder administration to investigate and take proper disciplinary action if bullying is substantiated.
VI. Disciplinary Actions based on Substantiation
Principals shall determine appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with Board policy. In all cases where bullying has been substantiated, the Superintendent shall be informed so that a determination can be made as to whether or not expulsion is warranted.
VII. Actions to Deter Bullying
Administration shall take action to discourage and prevent acts of bullying. These actions may include and are not limited to:
a. counseling for victims and perpetrators of bullying
b. instructional strategies which foster respect, modeling, by teachers
c. appropriate suspension at recess, lunch and class changing
d. discussions with parents of students who engage in bullying and with parents of students victimized
e. communication regarding the seriousness of bullying with teachers, students, parents and administrators
f. clear rules and regulations regarding the consequences of bullying
VIII. Principals shall maintain a list of verified acts of bullying.
As prescribed by law this list will be available for public inspection. Only verified acts of bullying will be recorded. However, no list shall contain any information which identifies a student.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes10-222d Policy on bullying behaviorPolicy adopted: December 20, 2001Revised: March 15, 2007