
Building a strong foundation and love of learning.

Middle School

Embracing the whole child.

High School

Preparing our students as successful citizens and lifelong learners.

District Goals

DPS Presentation of Goals 2023
DPS Presentation to BoAT 2022

Follow the link above to see the curriculum revision cycle for Derby Public Schools.

Strategic Planning

Derby Public Schools Strategy Map (23-24)

Derby Public Schools 

THe Strategy Map

Each school strategy may is based on this district vision for improvement. We plan, act, do and review. Our goal is to embody continuous improvement.

School Strategy Maps

Bradley Strategy Map

Bradley Strategy Map

Irving Strategy Map

Irving Strategy Map

Derby Middle School Strategy Map

Derby Middle School Map

Derby High School Strategy Map

Derby High School Map

Raise Academy Strategy Map

RAISE Academy MAp

LRU Strategy Map

LRU Strategy Map

Assessment Calendars

DPS Assessment Calendar 2023-2024 (Real Draft)

Assessment Calendar

Revised each year and season to season to promote informed, responsive teaching and learning.