School Nurse & Wellness Center

School Nurse & Wellness Center

Food Allergies

Derby Schools Food Allergy Policy:

Food Allergy Policy

Meal Modification Form:

Celebrations in Classrooms:

For the safety of students with food allergies, Derby school district, from Pre-K through Grade 5, is NUT-free. This includes all nuts, not just peanuts. If there is a different allergy in the classroom, the student's teacher will make all parents aware of what should not be sent in to school.

*No homemade cakes, cupcakes, brownies, treats are allowed to enter the school.

Please read all store bought ingredient labels! We will not allow foods with precautionary labels.

Examples of precautionary labels. The term in brackets [ ] may differ depending on the food concerned.

General School Nurse Information

Click Here for Derby Public Schools 2023-2024 COVID Protocols

Handwashing is the most effective way to slow the spread of germs. Please teach and encourage frequent handwashing.

Handwashing Video:

Everyday Preventative Actions That Can Help Fight Germs Like Flu

Medidas preventivas diariar para ayudar a combatir germenes como el de la influenza

Authorization of Medications

All prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications are administered by the school nurse. In her absence, only the principal, or staff members who have been properly trained, may administer medications to students. NO STUDENT MAY SELF-ADMINISTER ANY MEDICATION WHILE AT SCHOOL. This includes cough drops. 

Prescription and over-the-counter medication must have a written order by a licensed physician, dentist, APRN, or physician's assistant, Parents/guardians or a designated responsible adult must supply and deliver the medication to the nurse in the original container with the label from the pharmacy attached. NO STUDENT MAY BRING MEDICATIONS TO SCHOOL IN BACKPACK FOR SAFETY REASONS.

Prescribed medication can only be given to and taken by the person for whom the prescription was written. The school nurse may only administer acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil), and antacids (Tums) with a doctor's order and signed parental permission. You must sign the emergency form that specifies the conditions under which these medications may be dispensed. These forms can be obtained from the school nurse. 


Please note that the nurse DOES NOT carry allergy medicine or any form of cold medicine. If your child needs daily allergy medicine or has symptoms of a cold, those medications must be taken at home (unless a prior arrangement has been made with the nurse). Please remind your child to take their allergy medicine EVERY DAY DURING ALLERGY SEASONS.

ANY MEDICATIONS THAT NEED TO BE STORED AT OR TAKEN AT SCHOOL MUST ALSO HAVE A SIGNED MD ORDER FORM. That form can be downloaded from this website or you can call or email your School nurse.

INHALERS: if your child has asthma and needs to use an inhaler at school, signed permission from the MD and a parent must be on file with the nurse. DMS Students can carry their own inhaler IF allowed, in writing, by MD and parent. Please contact the nurse with questions or for forms. 

EPIPENS: if your child requires an Epipen for anaphylactic allergies, signed permission from the MD as well as parent, authorizing use, must be on file with the nurse. Students are allowed to carry their Epipen IF they have signed authorization to do so, documenting that they have been trained on its proper use. This must be signed by parent and MD.



The following are suggested guidelines for the protection of the health of your child, as well as all other students in school:

*If your child is ill during the night or complains of stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, or headaches in the morning, please do NOT send them to school to see the nurse. Keep them home. A student with a fever of 100.0°F or greater should remain home until they are 24 hrs fever free without the use of temperature-reducing medicine such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) and/or ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil).

*The school nurse (or in their absence, the principal or trained staff) may administer medication top a student ONLY with the written authorization of the attending physician and the written permission of the child's parent/guardian. Under no circumstances will exceptions be made.

*If you expect your child to be absent from school for 3 or more days, please notify the school nurse by phone, email, or send in a note stating the cause.

*As with all communicable illnesses and for the safety of ALL students and staff, please keep your child home until they are symptom-free for 24 hours, have been under treatment by an MD for 24 hours, and/or have written clearance from their MD to return to school. If you have further questions, contact your school nurse directly. 

Required Immunizations:

All student are required to be immunized according to the State of CT Department of Public Health guidelines. A student may be exempt from the requirements if they present a certificate from a physician certifying that such would not be prudent because of health reasons or that such would be contrary to the religious beliefs of the student. 

2024-2025 School Immunization Requirements PDF *Click here*

 *A student may be exempt from the requirement if they present an exemption certificate from a physician certifying that vaccination would not be prudent because of medical reasons.

Athletics: (DMS/DHS)

In order to practice or play, all athletes are required to have a current physical (within 12 months) on file with the nurse's office.

Communicable Disease Policy

5141.22 Appendix 

Chicken Pox

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: 6 days or until all lesions are crusted

Common Cold

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: No exclusion if afebrile (99.9 degrees or lower) without the use of temperature lowering medication

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: Has received appropriate medically prescribed treatment (antibiotic eye drops) for 24-48 hours and has permission from the physician to return to school

Coxsackievirus (Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease)

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: A full 24 hours after the child is afebrile (99.9 degrees or lower) without the use of temperature lowering medication 

Diarrhea and/or Vomiting

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: A full 24 hours without symptoms

Elevated Temperature (100.0 degrees or over)

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: A full 24 hours after the child is afebrile (99.9 degrees or lower) without the use of temperature lowering medication

Fifth Disease

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: Excluding children from school is not recommended as a public health measure unless a fever is present

German Measles (Rubella)

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: 7 days after onset of rash


EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: Has physician's permission to return to school


EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: Has received appropriate medically prescribed treatment (antibiotics-oral and/or topical cream) for 24 hours and has permission from physician to return to school. All lesions must be covered

Infectious Mononucleosis

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: No set time - only while illness lasts, has permission from physician to return to school


EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: A full 24 hours after the child is afebrile (99.9 degrees or lower) without the use of temperature lowering medication


EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: 5 days after appearance of rash


EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: No set time - only while illness lasts, has permission from physician to return to school


EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: Until swelling has subsided or not less than 9 days after onset of parotid swelling

Pediculosis (Head Lice)

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: Until hair is clear - no appearance of head lice or nits and has used prescribed shampoo or over-the-counter treatment, especially for treatment of head lice. See pediculosis regulation R5141.221

Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: 5 days after appropriate medically prescribed treatment (antibiotics) started or 21 days if not treated

Ringworm of Body

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: None, if under proper treatment, has permission from physician to return to school and lesions must be properly covered

Ringworm of Scalp

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: None, if  under proper treatment, has permission from physician to return to school


EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: Has received appropriate medically prescribed treatment (antibiotics) for 24 hours and has permission from physician to return to school

Strep Throat & Scarlet Fever, Streptococcal Infection

EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL POLICY: Has received appropriate medically prescribed treatment (antibiotics) for 24 hours, and a full 24 hours after the child is afebrile (99.9 degrees or lower) without the use of temperature lowering medication, and has permission from physician to return to school

Also, if you expect your child to be absent from school, please notify the attendance coordinator or school nurse by phone, email, or send in a note stating the cause.